Sunday, 13 October 2013

Help With Music- Introduction crd.

E, P, L...MUSIC! ctd.

We all enjoy watching musicians performing. it looks fun! Playing a musical instrument is fun but certainly it takes a lot of determination, focus, commitment etc. No musician will deny that it is a lot of hard work. It's like having a beautiful body! The boring part is the daily exercise and eating healthy food. Playing beautiful music is also similar- you have to do the boring bits like scales, arpeggios, sight-reading etc., apart from practicing the real piece which is not entertainment for you or everybody else within the hearing range. The pleasure of playing comes after the pain of learning it well.

I'll write the next paragraph in a different colour, just to break the monotony!

In other words, one needs to be a lot disciplined to learn a musical instrument. Not only it is like learning another language, but it has a way of expressing yourself in a way that is alien to most! If you are learning the piano, you have to be even more disciplined because, there is only one favourite spot to play it, and in one favourite position- where the piano is and sitting with a straight back! All other instruments can be easily  or quite easily taken about and can play standing or sitting- if is a flute or a violin or any other smaller instrument, you can play it, while walking even!

You would have enjoyed listening to this and also noticed the pianist sitting straight!

Finally, the great feeling of satisfaction of having able to play whatever you have been learning, gives a great sense of pride. That is when you truly enjoy playing music.

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